What Is Sweet Basil?

— Written By and last updated by Elisabeth Purser
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One of the easiest herbs to grow is sweet basil. This herb will add tremendous flavor to your meals, as well as, supply the body with nutrients.

First of all, the basil herb belongs to the mint family. We commonly use it to add flavor to meals. It is a main ingredient in Mediterranean foods, especially Italian. We love it in pasta and pizza! Basil is also common in Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese dishes.

Sweet Basil Leaves

 As an herbal medicine, basil may provide health benefits. It has traditionally been used in treating colds, snakebites, and nasal inflammation. Basil also contains macronutrients such as calcium, and vitamin k, as well as a range of antioxidants.

This spring try growing some basil in your garden, it’s healthy and tastes delicious!

Written By

Cheri Bennett, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionCheri BennettExtension Agent, Family and Consumer Science Call Cheri Email Cheri N.C. Cooperative Extension, Richmond County Center
Updated on Feb 23, 2021
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